Dobrý deň aj ja som vyskúšala dve balenia zelených a nič ani kilo.Popritom jem raňajky a veceru aj to len šaláty pijem cez dva litre denne a vôbec nic takže som sklamaná.No človek uverí všetkému.
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Naozaj mi pomohli po 1 balení som schudla 1,5kg to len za 2 tyzdne, jem normálne ako predtým len menšie porcie , nepociťujem az taku chuť do jedla ... určite si ešte objednam balenie
Som sklamana myslela som si ze konecne schudnem aspon 2 kila ale nic vybrala som 1 balenie aj pila som 3 litre denne a nic som sklamana no co uz
Už som využívala 3 balenia a schudla som 7 kil. Pri užívaní prvého som necítila skoro nič, ale po 3 týždňoch sa účinok začal prejavovať a bol stabilný. Ešte aspoň dve balenia zelených si objednám. Vďaka za povzbudenie k vytrvalosti, Peťka :-) Ono naozaj noč dobré nepríde len tak zo dňa na deň, kedy si zmyslíme
Ahoj, chcem sa spýtať kde ste to objednali, resp kde sa daju zohnat ? :/
Na tejto stranke
Eli agreed. They entered the entrance, Herc was excited and was already waiting for them to enter the apartment to seduce Eli. It seemed to him that she was filling her worth, she wanted him to run after her, but in fact she was an ordinary whore with a beautiful appearance.
“Yes, everything is fine, I’ll show you now how to throw me into the water,” Ira answered and jumped on Slava’s shoulders with a run.
It was a warm spring evening outside, Mikhail's nines, as well as himself, were not visible nearby, remembering his beaten face and ridiculous threats, I smiled and headed towards my car.
[]go here.[/url]. Kylie, take off your bra. I commanded and while the girl was doing this, I took off her panties.
Hermione knew that some girls cast deafness spells on neighboring beds, and now she understood why. She hurried to fix it. “God, what a horror! Hell, they could have heard me... even though I don't even know if I moaned in my sleep. There is something clearly wrong here ... ”, flashed through her head. For a while, Hermione just lay there enjoying the echoes of a strong orgasm and lazily thinking about the reasons for such strange events. The troll from freshman year came to mind pretty quickly, and she decided to test this theory as soon as the curfew was over. In the meantime, she reached for her wand and began to tidy herself and her bed.
Is it difficult to study? Do you have to do a lot?
And so?
Yes ... the girl answered in a weak voice - everything is just fine ...
handwritten by the author.
the spread of parchment.
Of his works, he is especially famous
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10.07.2017 15:31———
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12.09.2017 15:39———
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27.11.2017 15:47———